Friends of the Library
Hartford Public Library "Friends of the Library"
Mission Statement
The Friends of the Hartford Public Library is a nonprofit group of citizens who;
- work together to stimulate a greater interest in and use of the library
- to acquaint the community with the functions, resources, facilities and needs of the library
- to promote and enrich the services of the library
- to encourage and administer library gifts, donation and memorials of individuals and organizations.
- to co-ordinate information to the community on issues of library legislation.
- to sponsor programs designed to add to the cultural life of the community.
- to help ensure the existence of the Hartford Public Library for years to come.
The Friends of the Library meet the last Tuesday of each month. The meetings are held in the library and begin at 4:00PM. Everyone is welcome!
Thanks to the Friends: The library has a flag pole, rug in the children's room and donate annually to our children's programs.
Friends of the Library current members:
Patty Schroeder
Rosemary Heinisch
Stephanie Daniels
Wanda Maston
7 Reasons to Join the Friends of the Hartford Library
- Meet other library and book lovers like yourself
- Help support the library's access to computers
- Support children's and teen programming
- Help the library purchase more books and materials.
- Respond to the special needs of the library
- Assist in promoting knowledge and participation in library programs.
- Open a channel for ways to express ideas & make suggestions for library services.
Students - $1
Individual - $5
Senior - $3
Family - $10
Business - $50
Life - $100